6 Jan 2021

A Day in the life of a Psychic – Blog 5 – Sophia pin 7419

Day In The Life of A Psychic (5)

In my last couple of blog articles, I have been writing about my journey towards becoming a professional psychic. If I had known, in my first class at college, that it would take so long to reach a level of skill where I was ready to work professionally, I might have felt discouraged. However, the journey itself proved to be so fascinating that I came to realise that this, and not the end goal, was what really was of importance.

When I look over the pages of my psychic journal, for example, I find the notes of a beautiful reading that one of my classmates did for me back in 2013. The cards we were working with seemed to trigger clairvoyant visions. For me, she saw me crushed down by a weight, like in the old cartoons, but she felt I would come out from under it. She also saw some magnificent, swirling, flowing horses – like something out of an Odilon Redon painting. She felt that the message of this vision was that I should allow more magic into my world and into the work I do with children (English and Art tutoring.) Then she saw me in a lovely meadow full of sunflowers, and, in her vision, the flowers and I were turning our faces towards the sun. The sun shone down, filling me with radiance, healing, light and energy. She carried out this reading at a very difficult time in my life, when I was going through a difficult divorce, and yet her words seemed to impart the conviction that all would be well. This reminds me of what another psychic tutor used to say, that the purpose of psychic readings is to heal with words.

A crucial step in working professionally occurred when I applied for work as an online text tarot psychic. I made it my goal to try and complete fifty short readings of three text messages per day. Pursuing this over several months certainly sharpened both the speed and the skill of my readings.

Then my tutor at college suggested that some of my classmates and I might like to give readings at a Fairy Fayre, which he described as a big event. We duly signed ourselves up: me with my ribbons and tarot cards, the Angel Card lady, a medium and a healer. When we arrived, we found that the other stallholders had really gone to town with fairy corsets, elf costumes, pixie boots, glittery wings, vampire fangs and witch and wizard hats. Despite being dismissive of the elf aesthetic, which really wasn’t his thing, our tutor nevertheless took a shine to a passing warlock.

I was wearing a black, long-sleeved top with a green velvet waistcoat and fondly imagined that I looked like something out of Robin of Sherwood. However, that was our only concession to the fairy look. Angel Card lady, who had qualifications in psychology and counselling to boot, was quite insistent that we were modern psychics, and that there should be nothing ‘hocus pocus’ or ‘woo woo’ about what we did. I admit, sometimes I didn’t always see eye-to-eye with her, as I liked to retain a bit of a sense of mystery and magic to what I did.

I remember one particular client from the Fairy Fayre. I carried out a reading for her using my ribbons. I remember psychically seeing the navy-blue and aquamarine paintings of her talented son, and that this was a good, creative outlet for him. Although we followed standard guidelines not to give medical advice, I could see that an email that this client had written to a consultant about her son had somehow gone astray, and that she should send it again. She seemed a lovely woman, somewhat worn down by the vicissitudes of life, and I hope I was able to offer her some comfort.

The Fairy Fayre was reasonably successful for us. After that, my good friend Amna was becoming quite ambitious for me. She urged me to try out for different psychic companies, as

did my tutor at college. I remember that Amma was visiting me the day I did my first set of test readings for Elizabeth Rose/Moon Predictions. She did some reiki healing to calm my nerves just before. Actually, I tend to find a bit of reiki healing before psychic work seems to enhance the flow of energy: Divine White Light and Rest, Relaxation, Reiki companies, free on Youtube, seem very good. On that day, I read for Wendy and Sue, and my impression was that it went quite well. A few hours later, Wendy telephoned me back and said that they had recently taken on another psychic with a similar skill set to me. She was very friendly though and encouraged me to try again in the future.

In the end, I worked for another psychic company for a short while and began to learn about the kinds of clients whose energy I was compatible with, and the kind of readings I could provide. I still remember though, one client who phoned up and asked when she was going to become a millionaire! Eventually, I left that company because energetically, it didn’t feel quite right for me, although I continued to hone my tarot skills on online platforms. In the end, I used my pendulum to ask when would be a good month to re-apply to Elizabeth Rose/Moon Predictions, and I was given July. This made perfect sense to me, as I knew my tutoring work would be winding down by then for the summer, and I could devote more energy to reading for new psychic clients. So, some time in July 2018, I did some more test readings, which I passed. Pretty soon, I was ready to begin my first day of work…

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