Author Archives: Wendy Flynn

A Day In The Life Of A Psychic – Blog 3 – Sophia Pin 7419

I’m sure there are many different and worthwhile ways of learning tarot, including books and courses and lessons, but my own psychic path has been a bit more unconventional. Nevertheless, it has worked for me. One of my mentors said that I progressed so rapidly, spirit must really want me to do this work.

I remember being fascinated by tarot as a teenager and being able to lay down cards which seemed to represent the people around me in accordance with their star-signs. But, at that time, that was all I could do. The magic that is tarot-reading had not yet been unlocked for me. So what did make the magic happen?

Fast forwards a couple of decades, and I had joined an online meditation group, ostensibly intended to train you as a healer. The head of the course kept telling me I had intuitive ability, but at the time I hardly knew what that meant. But, thanks to two-hour meditations a day (hardcore!) I definitely began developing psychic skills. I started to experience clairvoyant glimpses – for example, glimmers of a film I actually watched the next day, or a vision of a cuddly yellow star that a girl from the group had stitched.

This girl, whom I knew at that time as Harmony, became one of my good friends. She was also an excellent psychic. When we began to meet up in cafes in Camden, I would teach her ribbon readings and she would teach me tarot. The intense, focused daily meditations we were both doing seemed to heighten our psychic abilities. This helped me to learn from her and since we had a good connection, the psychic information flowed freely.

I still remember Harmony laying the cards in rows and asking me who I could identify. I began to associate particular cards with particular people in my life: Knight of Wands (sexy but not much else); King of Cups (my ex-husband); Queen of Pentacles (my houseproud mother.) Using tarot cards, Harmony accurately predicted my divorce, my house-move, and a few unsuitable boyfriends (Knights rather than Kings) before, finally, the pack spilled out the Lovers card (true love!) It took so long for him to arrive that I began to wonder if he ever would. I had to believe what the psychics say, that what is meant for you will not pass you by. I also had to heal from my past relationships and grow and evolve as a person – and in all fairness, my fiancé, the King of Wands, had to as well.

In the early stages of my learning, I remember writing to the head of the online meditation group full of excitement for the tarot and ribbon reading skills I was developing. Unfortunately, he didn’t share my excitement and I was barred from the group with no explanation. When I asked my trusty tarot pack why, I was given the Page of Swords card, which I associate with a teacher or educator. However, when I read the card psychically, the Page’s arms were shaking and his sword was wobbling. I took this to mean that the group leader, undoubtedly a gifted psychic in his own right, was feeling threatened by the abilities I was developing. It’s a shame, since I only ever worked with love and integrity, calling on spirit, angels and guides.

By now, I was using the Gilded tarot pack more and more. I had been introduced to its beautiful, highly-coloured images on a one day course and it had really resonated with me. Later, my housemate bought me a pack of my own as a birthday present – tarot packs are traditionally meant to be given as gifts. When I unwrapped the parcel, I felt a wonderful glow of warmth in my hands – usually a sign from spirit that I am on the right path. I find the figures represented in the pack look like people I know, and in my early days of learning, this was very helpful and meant that I didn’t necessarily have to memorise meanings when I could see them for myself. It

also gave an extra depth to my readings and helped me progress quite rapidly. I was continuing to learn a great deal from Harmony and I also attended workshops when I could. I went to an open day at the psychic college where I would later study, and had a tarot reading from one of the Advanced students, only to realise I was now fairly close to that level myself. However, my continued evolution from enthusiastic learner to professional psychic will be the subject of a future blog article – so says the Seven of Cups!

Revealing your Aura By Elizabeth Rose PIN 7430

The Aura

The Aura is a fascinating topic. It is an energy field of around one to two feet around living things.

To Feel Your own Aura.

All you have to do is rub your hands together and this activates the energy that you have in your body.

You will feel a tingling or warm sensation or maybe even a vibrating sensation – this is nothing to be alarmed about it is just the energy in your body.

When you feel one of these sensations place your hands with the palms facing each other.

Then slowly pull your hands apart then back together again, you should then be aware of what the Aura feels like. It may take a few times of doing this before you tune into your Aura, you do need to be relaxed and concentrating so don’t worry if you don’t get it straight away.

To See your Own Aura


It is simple to do, just face a mirror a full length one if you can.

Concentrate on the tips of your fingers and let your eyes go out of focus, extend your arm as far out as possible and you will see a fine white mist, this is the Aura.

Move your gaze very slowly and you will see your Aura around your body.

It may take a while before you see actual colours, but with practise it will come.

You can practise on plants and other people, and the colours that you see will fascinate you.

Day In the Life Of A Psychic – Sophia 7419

Day In The Life of A Psychic (2)…

I couldn’t understand what I was doing wrong…
From my years at psychic college, I knew I had some mediumship ability. Even practising at
home, I had made contact with my friend’s mother in spirit. I had asked her whether things
would work out romantically between me and her son. ‘Not if you keep on with the other fella,’
came back the tart response. Her reply suggested to me that people in spirit really can see what
we do – and they are more likely to favour their own family members!
My own great-grandmother in spirit gave me some more helpful dating advice, ‘Choose the
man who offers you the most.’ I have often pondered this comment. I don’t think my great-
grandmother meant choose the person who offers you the most material security, but rather the
one with the kindest, most loving and most honest heart: the one who offers the most of
himself, his time, his opinions, his honesty and his attention.
Anyway, as I said, I knew I had some mediumship ability, and when I moved out of London
I was keen to join the local Circle in my new home-town and develop my skills. The group I
joined was full of lovely people, very warm and welcoming. However, the teaching methods were
a bit different to what I was used to. At psychic college, we would begin with a short meditation
and then we would be paired off with one of our classmates to see which people from spirit and
which messages came through. In this Circle though, there was one, long, guided meditation in
which the group leader led you through beautiful landscapes: fields, valleys, old country houses.
During these walks, spirit people would join you, and then after the meditation, you were
encouraged to share your experiences.
I admit, I was very impressed when one member of the group glimpsed Henry VIII in a
Tudor mansion, whilst another perfectly described my tiny, four foot eight French grandmother,
complete with white hair, navy-striped blouse and lacy, crotcheted shawl. My own visits from
spirit were more fleeting, but I kept trying, kept persevering. And then, suddenly, one week I
could barely connect at all!
I couldn’t understand what I was doing wrong, or even if I was doing anything wrong at all.
The following week, on the day of the Circle, my partner started talking randomly about the
character of Monica from the TV show Friends. ‘I don’t like her,’ he kept saying. ‘I just don’t like
her.’ My ears pricked up. I knew spirit sometimes communicated with me through meaningful
coincidences, and there was a girl called Monica who had recently joined the Circle I was
attending. Could she be linked in some way to my sudden difficulties with mediumship?
I observed her closely that week. She was still a teenager, and generally well-liked by the other
members of the group. She was also a very gifted medium. I was puzzled. I felt my own abilities
were somehow being stifled, but was Monica in any way responsible?
In the end, I spoke to Elizabeth Rose’s/Moon Prediction’s psychic Agnes for some advice. I
told her the names of some of the people in the Circle, and she, like me, honed in on the fact
that Monica’s energy was in some ways problematic for me. She felt that there was a bit of
unconscious rivalry between us, and that Monica was not only unconsciously drawing on my
own energy, but that she was acting like a strong man or bouncer who was energetically barring
me from entering! However, Agnes gave me some very helpful advice. She told me I needed to
up my psychic protection techniques before I attended the Circle. She also told me to take some

amethyst and rose quartz crystals with me – at which I burst out laughing, because before the
previous Circle, I had laid these crystals out on my desk but then forgotten to take them with
me. Finally, Agnes told me to use part of the meditation to send love to Monica. She predicted
that if I did all these things, I would regain my ability. I thought this was all excellent advice. I
also picked up a pyrite crystal, intended to strengthen my aura. Then, armed with my rocks and
my new-found sense of confidence, I set off for the Circle.
That evening I directed the purest and most loving energy I could at Monica. The pyrite
crystal in my fingertips began to twitch and vibrate and it seemed that any negative energy was
being transmuted into something more positive. That evening, I was able to make contact with
my grandfather, who showed me a photo of my father when he was much younger, reminding
me of how we all used to be. Monica, in contrast, was only able to describe the braces of a spirit
person, nothing else.
Don’t get me wrong – I wasn’t out to bring about Monica’s downfall or anything like that. I
just didn’t want to be giving her an energetic piggyback and I wanted my own abilities to be
restored to me. This, thanks to Agnes’s advice, is what seemed to happen. Since then, however,
the Circle I attend has been temporarily closed due to covid and various lockdowns. I miss
everyone there and wait to see, with interest, what happens when it opens up again.

Day In The Life Of A Psychic by Sophia – Pin 7419

Day In The Life Of A Psychic…

Possessing psychic ability is a wonderful thing and the good news is we are all intuitive to a greater or lesser extent. However, except for the psychic Mozarts among us, developing psychic skills also requires a lot of dedication and practice. But when we have truly allowed spirit into our lives, it can start to impact on them in some extraordinary ways. This series of blog entries is going to attempt to reveal what it’s like to be a modern psychic in an increasingly chaotic world (or perhaps that’s just Mercury Retrograde again. Maybe it will calm down after November 3rd!)

The first thing I want to write about, because it was the first thing I learned at psychic college, is ribbon-reading. This is a form of psychometry that is very easy to practice at home. It requires you, the budding psychic, to gather together a collection of ribbons. In my collection, there are ribbons from old dresses, parcels and gift bags, all the colours of the rainbow, and I keep them in a bag covered with sequins.

When you have assembled your collection, you ask your lovely volunteer to pick a ribbon of their choice and cup it in their hands to imprint their energy on it. This can take a few minutes, during which time you call on your angels and guides to help you with the reading you are about to undertake. Then you take the ribbon from your volunteer and feel your way down it with your fingertips. This allows you to read the other person’s energy. It is also when spirit may allow you to glimpse your volunteer’s hopes and dreams, or give you images, songs or sayings connected with their past, present and future, which you can share with them. For the aspiring psychic, it can be a bit difficult to sort out which is which, but practice really does make perfect – and keeping a psychic journal you can refer back to helps as well.

The summer that my best friend and I discovered ribbon reading, seven years ago, was one of great delight to us. Not only did we glimpse on the ribbon the Highland dancing festival complete with bagpipes and kilts that we actually saw in Camden in real life the following day, but spirit also decided to comfort us with visions of our future weddings. At the time, I knew very little about Indian weddings, so I was very tentative when I described the henna party or the beautiful red-and-gold wedding dress I could see for her. However, her enthusiastic response made me think I was onto something – and also gave me more confidence in my ability as a ribbon reader. She could also see a wedding reception for me, in a hotel, with pillars behind me. Neither of us could see the grooms though: just very sketchy outlines where they would be standing. In fact, it would be another five years before spirit would start giving us visions as to who our future husbands would be, so perhaps we just weren’t meant to know who they were before that.

Nevertheless, when I opened up my psychic journal from 2013, I found I had scribbled down the words to the song, ‘Going to the chapel/And we’re gonna get married’ with its lyrics, ‘Spring is here/The sky is blue…’ And, covid restrictions permitting, I really am going to get married next spring (for my friend, it’s next summer.) Songs are of course one way in which spirit communicates with us, but ribbons are another fantastic tool to access psychic information. I predict I’ll be writing more about them in another blog entry – and more about the adventures and misadventures of me and my psychic friends as we go about our daily lives, combining the ordinary with the magical.

Aura’s – By Elizabeth Rose PIN 7430

It does not take long to learn to read the Auras that surround all living things.

There are plenty of books on the subject for the interested.

One interesting thing that does show up in the Aura on a human being is their mood.

The colour changes as your mood changes.

A lemon-yellow shows that the person is worried and usually worried about not achieving and worried about losing what they have.

Whilst on the other hand a red orange colour can show a person who has confidence and ambition and appears to have a lot of energy.

On the other hand a clouded Red Aura can show a person who has a lot of anger and can be bitter and have great difficulty in letting go of their anger. They tend to be people who look on the negative side of life and tend to have a chip on their shoulder, and blame others for their predicaments.

If you have a lot of pink in your Aura it usually shows that you are happy and may be even in love, a new love brings out a lot of pink!!

However dark pink is not good and usually shows a dishonest person and someone who is deceitful and very negative and rather immature.

A Cloudy Blue is usually someone who is very suspicious of others and worries about the future; they like to feel in control of everything.

A Cloudy Green Aura shows when the person is very jealous of others, they are resentful and very negative, and not a nice trait, and they don’t like to take responsibility for their own actions either.

White Aura’s by Elizabeth Rose PIN 7430

Colours of the Auras Explained
White – The Rare Aura

The Auras can appear in many colours and each colour can tell you fascinating things about the person.

The Aura is an energy field that surrounds all living things, and with perseverance, anyone can learn to see it.

The Auras can change colour if the person is ill or becomes more spiritual or becomes healthier, etc. It is almost like a barometer of the person that it is around.

It is common to see to colours in the Aura and these are constantly changing.

There are many books that you can read about the subject and also you can learn to read Auras yourself if you wish to.

You can also have a special photograph taken that will show up your Aura. These are often available at Spiritual Events.

One of the rare colours in the Aura is the White Aura.

It will appear very bright and will glow.

It usually indicates someone with a very high spirituality like people with divine connections.

It is also a sign of innocence and wisdom and those who have healing capabilities.

They are usually true and genuine in love relationships and love very deeply.

However, if the white is murky then it is a different story, they can make bad judgements and be naïve and let others overrule them in the hope of finding better things.

Yellow Aura’s by Elizabeth Rose PIN 7430

Each colour in the Aura has a different meaning.

You can buy excellent books on the Aura explaining how you can see them and interpret what the colours mean.

Sometimes when you meet someone for the first time you may feel an instant dislike towards them, this is because you can feel that persons Aura, so you don’t have to actually see it, you can feel it.

Most people give off more than one colour in there Aura it is usually two colours but it can be a combination of more colours.

The colour can show their health their mood the type of person they are, and it is not difficult to learn to read the colours in the Aura.

For instance the colour Yellow is very interesting if seen in the Aura.

Usually the person is young at heart and likes to have a good time and enjoy life.

They are rather like the butterfly they like to be free they are creative and strong-minded and they hate to be criticised.

They are adventurous and usually have a great sense of humour and they can charm the birds from the trees.

They can also be very sensitive and can soon have their feelings hurt.

Yellows tend to go into health care or into beauty salons or become Vets or even go into show business.

They are usually creative people and hate to be constricted in their work. The Yellows are amazing company whom you would enjoy being with.

Pink Aura’s by Elizabeth Rose PIN 7430

Well if your Aura is pink then you are a very rare breed, it is not often seen.

Having a pink Aura shows that a person values love, is very spiritual and is often creative and sensitive and is often very compassionate and romantic.

The colour of your Aura shows which chakra is most dominant in your body, it also shows where you spend your energy and can show your personality.

This chakra is placed at the base of your brain and shows creativity empathy etc.

Artists, musicians, and those in the healing professions often show a pink Aura.

It also shows with people who are curious about life and love harmony and peace in their lives.

Pink is a rare Aura, as most people do not connect with the sensitive sides of themselves.

Pink of course is a lighter shade of red, which is a different Aura altogether.

A pink Aura can also show when someone is extremely psychic, they have that ability to connect with themselves and connect with others, having empathy and healing.

If the Aura is bright Pink it can show someone who is rather affectionate and probably a loyal friend and a good partner.

A softer more Baby Pink can show that you are not always grounded enough but still sensitive and have empathy.

A Magenta Aura can show people that can be a bit eccentric and like to make a statement.

A Dark Muddy Pink usually shows some immaturity in your personality, people who are not always honest can have this muddy pink as well.

Purple Aura’s by Elizabeth Rose PIN 7430

The Aura that is a Purple in colour – what does it mean?

When the colour purple is in a person’s aura it tells a lot about the character and personality of that person. It can vary each day, one day you might have more purple, then the next day it could be lighter.

If there is a much darker area in the aura around a muscle, it could mean some muscle strain for instance.

A dull colour close to the head could show that the person is in a bit of a low mood.

Purple showing around the heart area can show that the person is having emotional problems or having a breakup with a partner for instance.

A clear purple does usually indicate a good balance between the heart and the mind.

A dark purple can indicate that there are problems to solve or a worry of some kind.

It is generally a good, positive colour – it shows that the person has many ideas, has a lively mind and is probably quite creative.

However, people with purple auras can be very sensitive and sometimes look on the worse side of things.

So generally they need to find balance and grounding in their lives.

They also can have healing abilities themselves and can help people in an emotional way.

Many people connected with the church and other religions of course can have this beautiful purple Aura.

It is a very spiritual colour and these people have the ability to help people’s soul.

Aries by Elizabeth Rose PIN 7430

Who is compatible with Aries

Aries and Aries

Aries and Aries are an ideal match in most ways. They are both strong personalities and they just know each other, as they are almost mirror images of each other. The one problem that they might have is that they have a tendency to be a bit selfish and this could cause arguments but with patience this can be resolved.

Aries and Taurus

This union can be a natural union of love, there will be a balance in their relationship.  Aries will tend to be impulsive and jump into things but Taurus takes things more slowly and will slow Aries down so that they can be more compatible. Their strong wills can make this relationship work if they really want it to.

Aries and Gemini

It is possible for these two to get along very well, both have a lot of energy and passion especially in the bedroom! They both like adventure and are normally highly intelligent people and they will respect will each other’s wishes. So, a long-term relationship is highly possible with their dynamic energy.

Aries and Cancer

Both signs can be deeply sensitive but Aries can sometimes overwhelm Gemini who are emotional and sensitive but not in such an energetic way as Aries. This couple can make it If they are both prepared to give and take, especially Aries who tend to be a bit fiery and does have selfish tendencies.

Aries and Leo

This union can be highly adventurous and also competitive. They will both be passionate and filled with energy, certainly they will not be bored with each other that is for certain, and I am sure there will never be a dull moment between them. They will both be lively and drive each other to go towards their aims and goals.

Aries and Virgo

This is not always a good match I am afraid. Aries is impatient and impetuous and Virgo is more selective and particular and takes time to do what they want to do. So, this can cause an incompatibility. Virgo has a tendency to criticize and this will not go down very well with Aries at all. So a lot of give and take is needed.

Aries and Libra

These two will be on a roll as soon as they meet, and will be attracted to each other like magnets. They should have quite a lively union which should be highly competitive and interesting. It does look like they are both in for the long haul. This is a great match of the planets and of love and it should not fail.

Aries and Scorpio

This relationship can go either way –  it will have a dynamic element and can be a roller coaster of love and hate. However, it can work with a lot of give and take, although it can be a very passionate and electric relationship too. So generally, the union could well be up and down emotionally but at the end of the day could work.

Aries and Sagittarius

These two should be very compatible and be able to live with each other in harmony. They will have similar interests and be able to support each other well. They will love travel and be able to plan an exciting life together. They are a good match and should be able to live together for the long haul.

Aries and Capricorn

They should have a great relationship that lasts for the long term. They will both have a great business sense and they can achieve many things in their lives. They should have a great friendship too and they will find that they will work well as a team if they put their minds to it, so it should not fail.

Aries and Aquarius

Life should be a ball for these two and there should never be a dull moment between them. Earth and fire, the air will fuel the fire! they will compliment each other and be also highly competitive. This relationship should last for the long haul and they should have an interesting and happy life ahead.

Aries and Pisces

When Aries and Pisces come together in love in can be a good match. Each will compliment the other and they will also be patient with each other and help each other to get their goals. They can both be impulsive but will recognise each other’s traits and they will want their relationship to last for ever.