Author Archives: Wendy Flynn

Getting the best from your Psychic readings – By Agnes

Seasons greetings to all clients and new callers,
Just a short blog today with some simple techniques to a successful reading.
If you can, turn of all electrical equipment that is not needed in the space you are having the reading. Spirits are sensitive beings and a  dimmed light or candle is preferred, Personally I work with candle light behind me and a black obsidian scrying mirror in front if me with a lot of incense burning ( I will blog again on appropriate incense for psychic work).
Noise and busy spaces can really block spirit coming through, try to lessen this by finding a quieter space.
The best readings are the ones that the client and reader work together in a open way. We work with sensitive energies and in order to open the veil to the spirit world and let them give messages they need to feel safe and respected. You can do this by taking a few moments before your reading to breathe, relax and set your intention to what you need answered.
Please allow a minute for the reader to tune in with your energies. Personally, I never ask probing questions but I do need a minute in silence after greeting you to the line to get a link.  That minute can make a huge difference to the quality of  your reading.
Readings can sap energies for two reasons –  spirit sometimes need to borrow some of ours to come through as well as talking about heart wrenching situations.  After your reading it is advisable to take a few moments and ground yourself.  Sweet tea can help and some time to reflect on the reading that has just taken place.
There have been times clients have sought my advice after having a disappointing reading. You should not see these as a waste of time nor money.  Instead reclaim your power instead of feeling down. Open your intuition to what the spirits really were saying.
For example, if a reader told you “don’t work as you’ll win the lottery one day.”  Are spirit telling the client that there is an abundance coming in their life but in a different form? An inexperienced reader has not interpreted spirits messages correctly and have passed this on in a different way.
Clients some-times get quite paranoid about giving such things as the first name of someone they want to look at in their reading.  Please have complete trust in your reader. We hold strong ethics working with Moon Predictions and the reason we were taken on- board with a reputable company.
My spirit guides and I look forward to welcoming you and your guides to a session.  May I also take this opportunity to wish you a very happy 2016, IT’LL BE GREAT ALLOW IT IN!


Meditation – By Louise

For a while now lots of my callers have been asking me how to meditate and what are the best ways to meditate for different things and reasons.
The reasons for meditation are various – some people like to meditate for relaxation and to just calm their mind. When I am meditating for this reason, I start off slowly.
1)  Sit or lay down in a way to what feels the most comfortable to you.
2)  Put on some relaxing music if you wish. I find this always helps me to relax more.
3)  Close your eyes and feel yourself surrounded by the most beautiful golden light and drift off to a place of pure tranquility. The place where I like to go is a beach, I notice everything I feel the sand squishing between my toes and the warm sun on my skin. I smell the sea and see the sea lapping up on the shore. But remember, this is your place so it can be anywhere you feel the most happy.
4)  As you relax in your own place, feel all the worries and stress just drift away in to the sea breeze and feel a feeling of calm knowing that everything will be okay. You will feel more alive and revitalised.
You can do this for as long as you like – remember there is no right or wrong way to do this.
Meditation for cosmic ordering or manifestation.
This one is something that I get asked for a lot. Sometimes it just seems with all the best will in the world you cannot shake the feeling like you are being short changed by the universe, but believe it or not the universe is very neutral.
Positive does attract Positive and vice versa with Negative.
Cosmic ordering is simple and there are many different techniques out there. Here is a clear and simple one to help you get started.
1)  As with the first meditation, relax, sit down or lay down, which ever you feel most comfortable doing but make sure you do not feel tired or you could fall asleep!
2)  As you relax and drift off, feel yourself surrounded by that same golden light and notice that you become the light. You are the light and the light is you.
3)  As you are in the light notice how everything and everyone are connected by this light just like the branches of a tree and the tree is the universe. You are connected to everything and everyone.
4)  Once you can feel and see the universe on that level, see your orders for the universe being carried to core and being dissolved in to the light.
5)  Once you know that this has happened and you have felt and seen your orders being taken to the core then see and feel them coming true. Actually feel what it would feel like and smell what it would smell like.
6)  Every night or day go through what you have ordered again and feel like it has already happened.
Next time I will be discussing cord cutting. – Louise

5 False Myths about Psychic Readers – By Sharon

5 False Myths about Psychic Readers
Most psychic readers use more than intuition to provide you with psychic guidance. They use various divination tools such as the Tarot, crystal ball, numerology and astrology to give you specific personal details.
Some psychics speak with spirit guides while others connect with your deceased loved ones. So, while the means are different, the results are similar: they help you see your path ahead better.
Here are 5 myths about psychic readers you should know before you get your next reading.
Myth #1 Psychics are mind readers
Psychics are “energy readers”. More than anything else: a good psychic reader will sense how you are feeling and what’s happening in your energy field. She’ll pick up on why you feel what you feel, and the struggle you may be having in making a decision.
She can sense which choice provides a clearer, righter path for you. But she won’t know when your birthday is or what your favorite song is.
A good psychic won’t even bother to try to read your mind because the real, deeper information is stored only in your heart and in your soul-field. If a psychic needs certain “mental” information from you, she’ll just ask.
For example, an astrologer may ask you your exact date, time and place of birth. Or, a psychic-medium may ask you the name of your deceased loved one you want to connect to. This information is the means to get a good reading – not the ends.
Myth #2 Psychics know everything 24/7
Well, psychics are people, and people get tired and they can make mistakes. There’s a reason why your favorite online psychic is sometimes offline!
Psychic practice can be demanding work and many psychics need a lot of me-time to recharge their batteries. They can’t be “On” 24/7.
Psychics can’t know everything, simply because that’s against human nature. Just like you, each psychic is on a journey – there’s always more to explore, learn. There’s always more room to grow.
Even when they get help from spirit guides, they only get the information that’s relevant in that moment. Psychics are like water channels: they connect two separate bodies – you and information you don’t know about.
Myth #3 Psychics should be 100% correct
If the information is coming from a supernatural entity or from a mystery school such as the Tarot, then it must be true, right?
No, because this “information” is only a peek into your life. It’s not the whole picture. It’s only what you need to hear in that particular moment so you can make your next choice consciously. Sometimes you need to hear a certain truth so you could grow while trying to prevent it from happening.
Your future is not set in stone – you have many possibilities ahead of you. There’s a reason why it’s called “psychic advice” and not “psychic enforcement!”
Psychics can’t walk your path for you, nor will they pressure you to walk a certain path. Even if you consult several psychics, you remain the owner of your choices and your life. What you do with the psychic information you receive changes your future.
Myth #4 Intuition equals psychic abilities
You don’t become a chef if all you can make is pasta. Intuition is just a small part of being a professional psychic. It is an important part, but it’s a small part.
Many psychics undergo years of training in different mystery schools. They become proficient in diverse techniques such as crystal ball, cartomancy, spiritual channeling etc. They also learn to meditate, clear their field, and ground their energy before giving a reading.
Being a professional psychic is real work – it’s a career. Psychics spend many years to expand their skills, become better and better, and build a happy client base. They specialize in love & relationships, career, health or other life matters. Merely having intuition isn’t enough to become an established psychic.
Myth #5 All psychics are mediums
There’s a big difference between psychics and psychic-mediums. Psychics can see the past, present and future. They travel in the dimension of time, here in the physical world.
Psychic mediums, on the other hand, cross the bounds of our world and connect with the spirit world. They travel through space. The two require completely different skill sets.
Before you choose your psychic, make sure you know what you are looking for. Not all psychics are proficient in all psychic abilities. Check their profile and see if they can deliver exactly what you need.
Sharon – PIN 7490

Angels and Spirit Guides

Angels & Spirit guides – What is the difference?
As a medium and healer, I often refer to spirit guides and angels for guidance during a reading.  This not only helps me to help you but also helps people learn more about their guides and angels.
Angels are beautiful beings made up of mainly love and light and come from the spirit world.
There are nine varieties of angels that we know of.
We have the seraphim, the cherubs, the thrones, dominions, virtues, powers, principalities, archangels and angels.
Each and every one of us is born with at least two guardian angels to stay with us and protect us through our earthly life to guide us – whenever we need them.
Most of the time they are not allowed to help unless you ask for them.
You do not need to know their names to do this.
Spirit guides.
These guides are lovely. These are spirits that have lived an earthly life before and will help you through the trying times of your life.
We are born with two guides assigned to us that stay with us throughout life.
However, we can have more as we travel through life.
For example if you are going through a challenging time, and you need to learn about courage, then a guide that has that experience will come and teach and guide you.
Family member’s that have crossed over can also be your guide, they never stop helping you even from the spirit world.  They still tell you off and keep an eye on you but always with love as their main goal. – Louise PIN 7492

Soul Plans and Soul Progression

Right from the first day of soul creation our souls have plans laid out to aid and assist in our soul progression.
Before we each reincarnate to earth to our earthly bodies, we hold a meeting with our spirit guides, angels and other souls that will be with us on our earthly journey.
Each and every one of us is blessed with the gift of free will.
Free will means we have the right to choose.
However, there are certain things included with our soul plans that free will cannot change.
This could be a certain lesson we must learn or it could involve certain people who are meant to be in our life no matter how we or they resist.
These people can be in our lives for various reasons, to teach one another about love and trust, or to teach about something else.
Free will gives us the right to choose how we learn the lessons and how we reach our destination in learning, not who or what we learn.
Spirit will give you an ample amount of time to get there alone. If, by a certain point in time, you have not reached the correct point, spirit will intervene and help you.
These lessons are essential for your own growth and soul progression.
At some point in life you may experience a feeling of deja vu, where you feel like you may have experienced something before at the exact same time and place. It is only for a second when it happens. These small triggers are from your time in the spirit world where you will have had chance to view your lessons and experience them. I call them nudges whereby you are being nudged to show that you are on the correct path! Louise – PIN 7492

Soul Mates and Twin Flames – By Louise

The term soul mate has been long used throughout history to describe someone who you were meant to love. Whilst a soul mate can be just that, a soul mate can also be an enemy in order to teach us lessons for our souls progression. Anyone in our soul clan is actually our soul mate.
We tend to reincarnate with the same group of people, in one life, a soul mate could be the sibling you do not get along with or your mother in one life could be your aunt in the next.
A twin flame on the other hand is someone that is from the same soul as you.Basically, it is two halves of the same soul. A soul you will have the masculine side and the feminine side.
However, the two sides have to live lifetimes as both genders in order for things to be balanced and for each side to progress.
When the two sides meet up again it can be wonderful. Sometimes though, depending on what each has experienced in past lives and in the present lifetimes, connecting and staying connected can be hard at first.
Occasionally, twin flames are not destined to stay together in some lifetimes. They are destined to meet for a short while for soul progression or to be given a nudge to set them on the correct path. However, in some lifetimes certain people are just meant to be.
I will write more about this in the next blog entry about soul plans and progression.
Thank you for reading – Louise PIN 7492

Psychic Readings and Time Frames

When will it happen? How long will I have to wait?

Have you ever had a reading and asked these questions?

Time frames are one of the most common questions a psychic reader will be asked by their customers. It is also one of the hardest questions to answer.

Your future is not set in stone. You and every one else has free will. What you or someone else does may alter any time frames given to you by your reader, however, the outcome will still stand true. Depending on the actions of yourself and others around you, it is possible that some time frames may be delayed. Free will of others is not something that can be controlled.

If you are given a time frame during a psychic reading, it is provided based on your current actions and decisions. If it is something that seems too far in the future or too soon in the present, ask advice from your reader of how you could change the path of the prediction to help you achieve the time scale you desire.

Be patient – sometimes the free will of others may knock you off course, however, it has only been delayed – not altogether dismissed.

Psychic Abilities and Their Meanings

There are many different types of Psychic ability and sometimes, the meaning behind the word is not familiar. Here is a quick guide to the most common Psychic Abilities which may help you choose a suitable reader for your telephone reading:

Clairaudient- The ability to hear voices, music and sounds over and above normal physical hearing.

Clairsentient – The ability to feel or sense things using heightened intuition or through the five physical senses.

Clairvoyance – The ability to see surrounding energies and auras and also non-physical realities and consiousnesses.

Medium – The ability to communicate with a loved one or stranger that has passed over.

Psychic – The ability to hear, see or feel the future and make predictions.

Psychic Telephone Readings

The reason you have chosen to have a telephone psychic reading is a personal one – however, here are some steps to help you get the most out of your reading.

Find a comfortable, quiet place to sit, preferably somewhere you won’t be disturbed. Have a pen and paper handy to write down any relevant information given to you by your reader. Try to relax and clear your mind of any worries or stresses.

Beforehand, write down a list of any questions you might want to ask – it is easy to get distracted when new information is being given to you by your reader and you may forget to ask any questions you wish to be answered.

Once the reading has commenced, it is always a good idea to confirm with your reader that they have connected with you, just simply by saying ‘yes, that’s correct’ so that they know that they are on the right path.

Sit back, relax and enjoy your reading.

The majority of people are happy with their readings, however, if for any reason you feel like your reader has not connected with you – or you with them – please disconnect your call within the first 5 minutes of the reading commencing and revert back to reception who will gladly offer to connect you to another reader.

The Madness of being in Love

Love is one of the worlds most powerful emotions.

Remember when the very thought of your partner made your heart beat speed up? And just being near him or her was almost electric?

This is what you feel when you are going through the joyous time of “falling in love”. However, sadly, as we all know, it doesn’t last forever.

Try as we might, we can’t experience the joys and highs of romantic love without at some point experiencing its low points.

Many scientists believe that love is an emotion that evolved to bind two people together for a long time and jealousy is an emotion that evolved to protect the integrity of that bond. So it seems although jealousy is a very destructive emotion, it is also a very functional one.

Just about everybody has experienced unrequited love and they all want to know how to get out of this alive! By far the best way to deal with this is to throw out letters and cards and get rid of photographs. Don’t try to talk to them on the phone, don’t text them and don’t try to be friends. Pick up new interests. Make new friends. Do something in your spare time. Don’t dwell on the past playing your favourite music and eventually you will begin to feel sane again!

If you are confused, or need guidance in regards to your love life, why not have a Psychic Reading with one of our experienced readers today.