16 Dec 2020

Day In The Life of A Psychic (4) – Sophia

Day In The Life of A Psychic (4)

‘I took the road less travelled by…’ In my previous blog article, I wrote about the beginning of my journey from keen tarot learner to professional psychic. It’s a subject I would like to take up again today.

At the time of which I’m writing, I had enrolled at psychic college. I was learning lots of new and exciting things, including ribbon reading, angel card reading, pipe cleaner reading (!) and even carpet reading (!) The latter allowed me to see a woman’s pet cat in the carpet, by which I mean not just a few odd shapes or shadows that resembled her pet, but her actual ginger-and-white cat complete with pointed ears and whiskers.

I very much enjoyed all the different things I was learning. I seemed to have a real knack for ribbon reading. However, although I was able to make a connection using angel cards, and found the angelic message, that I had not been abandoned, very reassuring, the energy of that particular angel, Cassiel, was a bit overwhelming. I then carried out an angel card reading for one of my classmates, and using the imagery of the cards, I saw a little boy opening Christmas presents, (train set, toy soldiers), and my classmate standing on a high-up wooden bridge with a river flowing beneath her. I saw her hands around a blue oval globe, and light emanating from it. I saw a small purple flower like a fox-glove, and then a fox that was sporting a green jacket and a winning smile, like something out of a Beatrix Potter story. I felt that this was a slightly tricky person in my classmate’s life but that if she survived her encounter with him, she would pass into a beautiful meadow full of daisies and buttercups. The energy of the cards we were working with was loving, but almost too powerful – and I choose not to work with angel cards today. Nevertheless, the extensive meditations before every session at psychic college seemed to boost my psychic abilities and this was also helpful for my own private tarot learning.

One evening after psychic college, I carried out a tarot reading for my good friend Harmony. I turned over the Chariot card for her, which in my pack consisted of a black-and-white horse pulling a carriage. I read this card as being indicative of her feelings about love. She wanted the fairy-tale romance that the white horse promised but was fearful love might turn out to be the dark horse, mysterious and possibly even menacing. Afterwards, Harmony confirmed that was how she had been thinking about love.

A few months later, I became friends with Amna (not her real name), the mother of one my English students. She also proved to be a very naturally psychically gifted lady – to the extent that when I told her on the phone that Harmony was on holiday, she told me where, Canada, just like that. Amna was also very encouraging of my tarot reading, and I often used to give practise readings to her and her daughter. In addition, Amna was a qualified Reiki practitioner and eventually she decided we needed to make our skills known to the wider world. So she booked us a stall at a New Age Festival in Richmond. I told my new tutor about this at psychic college, and he persuaded me to invite a couple of my classmates to take part.

I found the first reading at the fair incredibly difficult, and then my classmate asked me if I had remembered to open up my chakras. Doh! In psychic terms, this is about as basic as remembering to brush your teeth before a job interview. After I opened up, the information flowed much more freely. Again, the Chariot card came up for a particular client. Because the charioteer was swathed in concealing veils, I psychically read the card to mean that someone this lady was dating was deceiving her. Afterwards, she confirmed this was correct.

This particular lady made me realise that spirit is quite likely to send clients to me who have been through life experiences similar to my own. This means I can approach their challenges in a an empathetic, yet practical, grounded way. Similarly, I remember my tutor at psychic college describing how he had tragically lost his partner in a boating accident. He often said that several of his own psychic clients had experienced the same tragedy, although, statistically, that must be quite rare, and suggests there is far more at work here than mere coincidence.

The New Age Festival was my first experience of working professionally as a psychic, although I had been studying at psychic college for around four years by then. Prior to that, I had undertaken two years of a fairly intense online meditation and healing course. However, there were still some further steps I needed to take before I was ready to apply to Moon Predictions and Elizabeth Rose: at that point I hadn’t ever carried out a single reading on the telephone!

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