16 Nov 2020

Day In the Life Of A Psychic – Sophia 7419

Day In The Life of A Psychic (2)…

I couldn’t understand what I was doing wrong…
From my years at psychic college, I knew I had some mediumship ability. Even practising at
home, I had made contact with my friend’s mother in spirit. I had asked her whether things
would work out romantically between me and her son. ‘Not if you keep on with the other fella,’
came back the tart response. Her reply suggested to me that people in spirit really can see what
we do – and they are more likely to favour their own family members!
My own great-grandmother in spirit gave me some more helpful dating advice, ‘Choose the
man who offers you the most.’ I have often pondered this comment. I don’t think my great-
grandmother meant choose the person who offers you the most material security, but rather the
one with the kindest, most loving and most honest heart: the one who offers the most of
himself, his time, his opinions, his honesty and his attention.
Anyway, as I said, I knew I had some mediumship ability, and when I moved out of London
I was keen to join the local Circle in my new home-town and develop my skills. The group I
joined was full of lovely people, very warm and welcoming. However, the teaching methods were
a bit different to what I was used to. At psychic college, we would begin with a short meditation
and then we would be paired off with one of our classmates to see which people from spirit and
which messages came through. In this Circle though, there was one, long, guided meditation in
which the group leader led you through beautiful landscapes: fields, valleys, old country houses.
During these walks, spirit people would join you, and then after the meditation, you were
encouraged to share your experiences.
I admit, I was very impressed when one member of the group glimpsed Henry VIII in a
Tudor mansion, whilst another perfectly described my tiny, four foot eight French grandmother,
complete with white hair, navy-striped blouse and lacy, crotcheted shawl. My own visits from
spirit were more fleeting, but I kept trying, kept persevering. And then, suddenly, one week I
could barely connect at all!
I couldn’t understand what I was doing wrong, or even if I was doing anything wrong at all.
The following week, on the day of the Circle, my partner started talking randomly about the
character of Monica from the TV show Friends. ‘I don’t like her,’ he kept saying. ‘I just don’t like
her.’ My ears pricked up. I knew spirit sometimes communicated with me through meaningful
coincidences, and there was a girl called Monica who had recently joined the Circle I was
attending. Could she be linked in some way to my sudden difficulties with mediumship?
I observed her closely that week. She was still a teenager, and generally well-liked by the other
members of the group. She was also a very gifted medium. I was puzzled. I felt my own abilities
were somehow being stifled, but was Monica in any way responsible?
In the end, I spoke to Elizabeth Rose’s/Moon Prediction’s psychic Agnes for some advice. I
told her the names of some of the people in the Circle, and she, like me, honed in on the fact
that Monica’s energy was in some ways problematic for me. She felt that there was a bit of
unconscious rivalry between us, and that Monica was not only unconsciously drawing on my
own energy, but that she was acting like a strong man or bouncer who was energetically barring
me from entering! However, Agnes gave me some very helpful advice. She told me I needed to
up my psychic protection techniques before I attended the Circle. She also told me to take some

amethyst and rose quartz crystals with me – at which I burst out laughing, because before the
previous Circle, I had laid these crystals out on my desk but then forgotten to take them with
me. Finally, Agnes told me to use part of the meditation to send love to Monica. She predicted
that if I did all these things, I would regain my ability. I thought this was all excellent advice. I
also picked up a pyrite crystal, intended to strengthen my aura. Then, armed with my rocks and
my new-found sense of confidence, I set off for the Circle.
That evening I directed the purest and most loving energy I could at Monica. The pyrite
crystal in my fingertips began to twitch and vibrate and it seemed that any negative energy was
being transmuted into something more positive. That evening, I was able to make contact with
my grandfather, who showed me a photo of my father when he was much younger, reminding
me of how we all used to be. Monica, in contrast, was only able to describe the braces of a spirit
person, nothing else.
Don’t get me wrong – I wasn’t out to bring about Monica’s downfall or anything like that. I
just didn’t want to be giving her an energetic piggyback and I wanted my own abilities to be
restored to me. This, thanks to Agnes’s advice, is what seemed to happen. Since then, however,
the Circle I attend has been temporarily closed due to covid and various lockdowns. I miss
everyone there and wait to see, with interest, what happens when it opens up again.

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