28 Mar 2021

Predictions or Coincidences? By Elizabeth Rose PIN 7430

In 1888 an author Edward Bellamy predicted credit cards. In his book called “Looking Backward” he wrote. Each person is given a physical punch card “with which he procures at the public storehouses, found in every community, whatever he desires whenever he desires it. This arrangement, you will see, totally obviates the necessity for business transactions of any sort between individuals and consumers”. Was this a premonition or just a coincidence?

Jules Verne predicted many details that were close in 1865. He wrote about the weightlessness that astronauts experienced, something that he could not have possibly known. He also predicted that three astronauts would be on that first moon mission and that they would launch from Tampa Florida. The Apollo 11 mission launched from the Kennedy Space Centre in Orlando nearby.

The first organ major transplant was in 1954. How ever a chemist called Robert Boyle predicted transplants 300 years ago. He had a list and nearly all of his predictions have come true. It is incredible that he made this prediction in 1660 when the medical world new so little. Surely not just a coincidence?

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