25 Feb 2021

Strange but True by Elizabeth Rose pin 7430

Years ago when I was midwife I visited a patient and after examining her and her baby we sat down with her mum for a cup of tea.

Her mother told me that her husband had died suddenly recently.

She then told me this strange tale.

Her husband and her son were miners and worked at the local pits.

Her husband used to get up for work early to do the early shift and he would get up around 5am and make a cup of tea and bring one up for her and for her son as well.

However after the funeral her son started to go back to work and he would get up at around 5 am to make the tea and bring one up for his mum just like his father did.

But when her son went into the kitchen the first time the kettle was already boiling!! Even though he had not even gone into the kitchen and definitely he had not switched the kettle on.

This happened every morning for two weeks, then just stopped.

 Was this her husband trying to communicate to her? Well both her and her son felt he was.

The kettle was not faulty and there was no explanation for the kettle boiling and after the two week period it just became normal again.

It is strange how often after someone has passed away that things happen connected with metal that cannot be explained.

I have heard before about keys being lost then just appearing on a table, light switches going on and off. I have heard of televisions going haywire but then correcting themselves.

If you have a story that you would like to share with us we would love to hear from you.

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