26 Jun 2017

The Ascension Process and working with the current Energies By Rosalyn PIN 7426

The Ascension Process and working with the current Energies

This is just one description for the evolution of Humanity and the Earth currently underway. Many of you are familiar with it, some more than others but I still speak to folk who’ve never come across it. It is a vast topic and there are as many theories out there as there are Mediums to channel information – so for those new to the concept, let me try to simplify it.

It may help to think of the Earth as a Being, (because she is – let’s use her well known name, Gaia), rather than think of her as a lump of rock! She is rising into the higher dimensions, and we are rising with her. If you are incarnate on this planet at this time, you’re here to either assist in this process or to observe it, but we each have a part to play, each of us holds a piece of the jig saw.

So why is this time so special. It has been known to indigenous peoples for thousands of years. The Mayans predicted the 2012 Portal eons ago, and we did indeed pass through that Energy Gateway. Notice how our world has, and still is changing rapidly in the last five years and ongoing . We’ve seen banking scandals and elite paedophile rings being exposed, armies of whistle-blowers speaking out to illuminate corruption and darkness – in other words, the Light of Truth is being shone in a way that cannot be ignored. If it doesn’t have integrity, it can’t come where we’re going, and so the old structures that kept us limited and in chains are crumbling – we are finally beginning to properly understand that we are all connected, what affects one, affects us all so we must treat one another, and our precious Mother Earth with Love, Compassion and Respect.

So much for the ‘external’ world, but all of this has a profound effect on each of us internally. Our bodies are changing, we are becoming Lighter, our DNA is being realigned and we are increasingly sensitive. We now must have integrity towards ourselves – we must take responsibility. For many that means that the career they once loved, or the social circle that once was a big part of their lives no longer resonates – they find themselves dramatically bereft of relationships they thought would last a lifetime and precious material possessions vanish in a disturbing way!

It’s all part of the process. There are many lists of ‘ascension symptoms’ all over the Internet. Here are just a few:

Erratic sleep patterns

Digestive issues

Emotional roller coaster

A feeling of not fitting in

Respiratory and sinus problems

Extreme fatigue

Tinnitus like symptoms

Vertigo type symptoms

I could go on but for now, suffice it to say that while I’m in no way attempting to give or replace medical advice here, so many people aren’t able to find satisfactory medical diagnosis and/or treatment. It’s worth remembering that there are Holistic treatments and Natural Remedies that can help and can often be used in conjunction with anything your GP recommends if you discuss it with them.

Above all, remember that this is a Journey. It is a process by which we let go of the old, and together we are co-creating Heaven here on Earth – a brand new Golden Age in which you no longer have to leave the physical body in order to experience the bliss of the higher realms. It’s not always an easy process, but it is certainly worth it. We are sooo privileged to be here, in this moment, sharing this most Magical Event!

If you have questions about this topic that you would like me to address in future blogs, please email them

With Love, Light and Magical Blessings


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